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By engaging in strategic partnerships, we shape our own path.

We acknowledge that there is a lot of work to be done and that no one organisation has the capacity to deliver the much-needed assistance that is required in pretty much all facets of society.

This reality highlights the need for organisations to work together--whether it's through formalised partnerships, or merely working towards a shared vision so as to avoid duplication and maximize impact.

If you, or an organisation you work with, share in our vision of a just, inclusive, and sustainable future-- highlighting the role of young people, then send us an email today! We are happy to discuss areas of collaboration.

Our current partners:

Alliance for Future Generations [Fiji] is a network of young leaders from diverse socio-economic backgrounds from across Fiji, united in vision and driven by our passion to build a sustainable future.

© 2022 Alliance for Future Generations - Fiji.

All Rights Reserved.


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