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  • Writer's pictureAFG - Fiji

International Women's Day 2022

March 8, 2022

At the Alliance for Future Generations - Fiji, gender equality and the empowerment of young women (in all their diversity) is not merely lip service.

During the last four years of the network's existence, equality has remained one of our core values.

Today, more than half of our thirteen-member Secretariat team are women!

We have institutionalised representation within our Secretariat, mandating that at any point in time, the AFG Secretariat Team must be as gender diverse as possible. And so when we concluded one of our recent recruitment for vacant Secretariat positions, we had to adhere to this Constitutional clause (AFG Constitution).

As a youth network, we have as a priority thematic area a Gender & Human Rights Working Group, that’s being led by a Focal Point Officer (a female), and whose members are actively engaged in policy-influencing and community programs to further bring awareness & promote gender equality.

Some of the activities of the working group include: engaging men and boys in the workplace to end gender-based violence, urgent action responses to reported cases of gender-based violence, and campaigns aimed at elevating the benefits of empowering women and girls.

We hope that through the platforms & programs that we co-create with other young like-minded leaders, that we will continue to build a cadre of informed, skilled, empowered and connected young women and girls who will be ready to take on whatever challenges that may come their way.


Alliance for Future Generations [Fiji] is a network of young leaders from diverse socio-economic backgrounds from across Fiji, united in vision and driven by our passion to build a sustainable future.

© 2022 Alliance for Future Generations - Fiji.

All Rights Reserved.


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